Upon the recommendation of our beach and balcony neighbor, we ate at The Grill, The Seafood Grill, The Cafe - who really knows but some words did mention seafood and grill on the outside of the building. It was small and casual but served great food. The boys loved it because they were able to go the cooler and pick out their own beers.
Game nights are always on our list of things we like to do together. Yahtzee, Taboo, and Catch Phrase are crowd favorites but we added a newbie to our rotation. Here is Mom Duncan while playing our cousin Kevin's new board game "Whirled Peas". Great fun but be forewarned, we had lots of college degrees in that room and we still had to do alot of passes. Maybe we'll try the junior edition?
Naturally, a visit to the lighthouse was in order. The original Cape San Blas lighthouse was destroyed many a moon ago, hurricane probably?, and this light tower now stands a little more inland.
Christen and I decided to wait outside of the keeper's house during the visit because apparently someone had tinkled in her morning cornflakes. The heat and humidity were much more pleasant.
This pretty guy was waiting outside with us.

One day, we carried all of our beach gear to the national park in Saint Joseph's Peninsula. So worth it!! The sand was pristine white while the waters were crystal clear. Even Christen got in the ocean over her head and she is usually just a tip-toer in the waves.
Syd did some boarding! (And seaweed scooping, fishing, and shrimping!)
The water was so clear and gorgeous snorkeling was a must! The fish thought my lily-white legs were a little treat and would just crown around offering quite an underwater display.
We found a plethora of shells, large and small, back on the beach at our place. Here is just a small sample of our collections.
And, one can not have a complete beach vacation without the infamous jump shots. Why is jumping while someone takes your photo so much fun??
On 3, you guys!
I, apparently, am uncapable of bending at the elbow.
Even the Moms got in on the action.
This guy thought we were crazy and were scaring away his snacks.
Finally, our sunset signaled it was time to head back home :( Georgia, get ready!
Just a side note - I am posting this from our hotel room in Idaho during our Yellowstone trip while Jimmy is at work! :) More travel pics up and coming!!!
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